Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tunes - Jefferson


Half-turned sods of hallowed ground,
tabled, filed under lost and found,
weighted down and then strung up
a pleasant walk to the scaffold.

Hangman's noose on a threadbare throat
he mouths some words but none come out,
That's all right, no-ones listening
That's okay, no-one's listening.

We're all gone away, lost again
watching monuments twist in the wind,
Jefferson was a passing phase
now it all hangs on the turn of a phrase.

Placebo cure for the rotting ghost
those with the least told that they have the most,
bargained away and then discarded
a pleasant walk to the graveyard.


Open hole swallows a fish-tail mind
deposits the same by the no exit sign
entrance come and gone, no-one's here
entrance come and gone, no-one's here.

It's all gone away, lost again
we're just watching monuments twist in the wind,
Jefferson was a passing phase
now it all hangs on the turn of a phrase,
We're all gone today, lost again
watching monuments twist in the wind,
Jefferson was a passing phase
now it all hangs on the turn of a phrase.

Music and lyrics by Paul Kimball.

The Tall Poppies were:
Mike Trainor vocals
Paul Kimball guitar
Adam Rumsey guitar
Michael Riley bass
Glenn MacCulloch - drums

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About Me

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I graduated from Acadia University in 1989 with an Honours Degree in History and Political Science, and in 1992 from Dalhousie with an LL.B. After working for the Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation and Salter Street Films, and as a consultant on film and television to the governments of Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland, I founded Redstar Films Limited in 1999. My work as a producer and director since includes documentaries for networks including CBC, Vision, Bravo, TVNZ, Knowledge Network, SCN and Space: The Imagination Station, as well as the television series The Classical Now and Ghost Cases, and the feature films The Cuckoo in the Clock (2014) and Roundabout (2014).